Friday, May 20, 2011

What should your poster look like?

So as we finally come to an end of our lunch box project, here's to a good weekend of putting together your box and the poster. Your poster should include:

1. A 2-D hand-drawn net of your box. This does not need to be in scale. However, it needs to be drawn with care and precision.

2. A 3-D hand-drawn solid of your box. Again, this does not need to be in scale. But be neat.

3. Calculations:

a. Volume and surface area of the current box. Please include ALL units.

b. Volume and surface area of the new lunch box. Please include ALL units.

4. Comparison and Contrast of the two boxes:

a. Compare volumes of the boxes. Write an explanation to account for any differences in the volumes.

b. Compare and contrast the two surface areas. Please remember that for the current box, you are to find the area of both the top and bottom portion. This is different from how we calculated the volumes.

c. Compare and contrast the sustainability of the two boxes. You are to research different type of materials for your new box, and write a short report on how your box can be more sustainable for MA students. Remember that our current box cannot be composted in the MA garden.

d. Compare and contrast any additional features for convenience.

A detailed rubric is posted above.

Good luck and be creative!! Bring your smashing boxes on Monday!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ATTENTION! Here's what's due for Thursday, May 19

Hi everyone!

Here's what is due for Thursday's class. I know there was some confusion regarding how much you need to finish on the Geometers' Sketchpad before you left class yesterday.

1. If you already have printed out your net, please tape different pages together, glue them on a piece of STIFF paper (could be construction paper), then DRAW the exterior design that you would like to use. It is a little easier to do the sketch before you cut your net.

2. If you do not have your net printed yet, please bring to class a piece of STIFF paper so you can mount your net in class.

3. Many of you did not finish all the calculations. You need to finish calculations of both the volumes and the surface areas by Thursday's class.

4. Start organizing your work on a poster which will be your final submission on Wednesday, May 25th.

BRING TO CLASS: Stiff paper for net; Poster paper for final presentation.