Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ATTENTION! Here's what's due for Thursday, May 19

Hi everyone!

Here's what is due for Thursday's class. I know there was some confusion regarding how much you need to finish on the Geometers' Sketchpad before you left class yesterday.

1. If you already have printed out your net, please tape different pages together, glue them on a piece of STIFF paper (could be construction paper), then DRAW the exterior design that you would like to use. It is a little easier to do the sketch before you cut your net.

2. If you do not have your net printed yet, please bring to class a piece of STIFF paper so you can mount your net in class.

3. Many of you did not finish all the calculations. You need to finish calculations of both the volumes and the surface areas by Thursday's class.

4. Start organizing your work on a poster which will be your final submission on Wednesday, May 25th.

BRING TO CLASS: Stiff paper for net; Poster paper for final presentation.

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